May 19, 2024

10 Useful YouTube Channels for Teachers

There are many useful content creators on YouTube who make excellent content for teachers, aiding them to better plan their lectures or courses and enabling them to better understand the expectations of students and how to manage all the students in a classroom effectively.

Since teaching is a difficult and in many ways an underappreciated profession, they need to resort to these channels to stay up to date with the latest trends and techniques by which students are taught. In this way, the benefits of social media for educators such as YouTube are of vital importance, and something they rely on to get the best source of information for their classroom. The 10 most useful YouTube channels for a teacher are listed below.

1.       TED-Ed

A great channel to get inspirational thoughts and ideas and general knowledge. They also exhibit the data in various forms, which aids in the learning experience and makes the content much more engaging for the audience.

2.       Edutopia

The channel posts informative information regarding the k – 12 educational requirements and tips on how to make the classrooms work. They post content related to project-based learning, information about using tech-related tools, and how to ensure social and emotional learning in the classrooms. It is one of the best channels to watch for teachers since it also posts regularly about different techniques to integrate into their classrooms.

3.       Alice Keeler

The account posts great insight regarding the organization of the classroom by teachers. They also provide a behind the scenes perspective on teaching, on how to properly manage the day to day affairs of a classroom

4.       Common Sense Education

The channel provides great insight on how to integrate technology in the classroom, and how the students should behave safely and responsibly when using these tools and online material. Some of the most popular topics covered by the channel are the “tips on teaching with technology” as well as the “lessons that build students’ digital citizenship skills”.

5.       #Education

This is one of the largest YouTube channels dedicated to teachers’ and students’ understanding of different topics related to education. They post great content providing helpful tips on how to manage a classroom environment for both the teacher and the student.

6.       Bio

The channel provides a great stream of information relating to important people and personalities in history. If the course work requires in-depth knowledge of a well-known person in history, their life story, their most important decisions, or their untimely death, the channel will provide all the material that a teacher may be required to have.YouTube BBC Teach

7.        BBC Teach

The channel gives in-depth knowledge and practices that can help teachers tackle difficult tasks such as math or sex ed if such issues are being faced by the teachers.

8.       MrMatera

A truly unique perspective is shown in the channel, where teachers are focused on the gamification of the classroom environment.

9.       FriedTechnology

The channel uses animated videos to exhibit useful information on how to manage webinars or using Google Docs and other relatable tools.

10.   Teaching Channel

It shares in-depth experiences of other teachers related to challenges faced and techniques used to help all the students learn and grow in their classes.

All these channels are must watch for a teacher, in order to make them explore newer ways and techniques on how to manage their classroom effectively.