May 2, 2024

Walk-in vs Appointment: What is best for your business?

Appointments are the best for your business because, with them, you don’t have somebody popping up on your way unexpectedly. Maybe that’s the same time you are having a discussion with your team about the next project or how you are going to improve your sales. Maybe you have another client and lack extra resources to handle several customers simultaneously. This can be quite scary, as you are prolonging the need of attending to this client. You can open a large can of worms and injure your reputation with an unsatisfied customer. Why go through all this when you can just put it in an appointment reminder service?

However, one view cannot be the only perfect solution in the whole practice. In some businesses, appointments work great, while others work great with walk-ins. And some have to be focused on both to survive. To determine which path you are going to choose, look at the following factors:

Customer base

If you are a startup, in the initial phases, you should open your business to the world. This means you can have events, random walk-ins and appointments. You are trying to let the world know where you are and what you are offering. It will be futile and idealistic to compare yourself with big companies and institutions that have more resources and deep customer connections. However, there should be control when you have a large enough customer base.

At that point, you will have to monitor who your best clients are and who is bringing the most profits to your business. See, it is about tailoring as you move forward.

Customer base can be an overlooked aspect, but it plays a huge role in knowing the kind of meetup you will set with your client.


Map pin flat above city scape,technology concept

The truth is: you might lack the space to set up your business, may only have an online presence, or may have a very uncouth location. This means that even if you go down on Google Maps, someone may struggle to find it. If that’s the case, then you need a walk-in. And it’s the type of walk-in where the details to your business you have sent someone to guide them are very clear and precise. Setting an appointment will set you up for failure.

In terms of location, you need to rank walk-ins more than appointments. For example, a pharmacy shop near a hospital doesn’t need any marketing referrals from doctors. Lastly, if you exist solely online, you will have to bring the best out of your social skills. Especially when you have been a solopreneur. You will have to meet with clients in coffee shops, internet meetings, bars and clubs, and working areas.

Type of business

Let’s use two easy examples: a bakery and a corporation. A baker wakes up every day knowing that customers will come, especially if the bakery is in a suitable location – next to a coffee shop, etc. They have to focus on a wonderful product. You can’t compare the service offered with that of a corporation. One will work better with walk-ins and the other will need an appointment reminder service.